Welcome to the world, NatureStack Journal and Madame Snail logo! This roundup looks fantastic. I read a few of these Stacks currently, and they’re top-notch. The others are new to me.

Your midsummer Titania and Oberon references anticipate my vacation re-post coming soon out of my archive. It’s one of my favorites, and quite a frolic by the time I get to Shakespeare’s fairies. 🧚🏼 Happy midsummer!

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I canNOT wait for that! Ever since reading an interview w/ Neal Gaiman where he said he read all of Shakespeare's plays "one summer," this has been my fantasy goal. One day . . .?

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Haha! He must have been 11, with no responsibilities but to put his socks in the dirty clothes basket, and even then, no great consequence if he, um, forgot. 🙄

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I think it was as a grown-up but the socks thing checks out

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Beautifully done Julie! Thank you very much. Love the new logo too!

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Many thanks, Tania.

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What an exquisite wild gathering you’re hosting here!

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Glad you enjoyed it. Thanks for reading.

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Jun 21Liked by Julie Gabrielli

You were absolutely right Julie..! I love love love this… I adore all you’ve incorporated especially « Maybe we’ll even find a better word for what we do, besides “nature writing.” After all, we’re dreamers, gardeners, farmers, rewilders, biologists, birders, trekkers, habitat restorers, designers, voyagers, artists, walkers, photographers, poets, ancestor-whisperers, guides, activists, ecologists, soil-makers, mythologists, storytellers, and so much more. » I hope so.! ‘Nature writers’ seems so bland when all of this is considered…

I will be running through all the amazing writers I don’t already know as soon as I can… thank you so much for Homecoming - what a gorgeous gathering place for us all, the logo is perfect too! 🌿X

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Thanks, Susie! It makes me happy that you’re finding some new writers. I love that this project is a way for me to discover them too. 💚 Enjoy!

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Thank you so much for including me here, Julie! What a wonderful collection! 💕

"Maybe we’ll even find a better word for what we do, besides “nature writing.” After all, we’re dreamers, gardeners, farmers, rewilders, biologists, birders, trekkers, habitat restorers, designers, voyagers, artists, walkers, photographers, poets, ancestor-whisperers, guides, activists, ecologists, soil-makers, mythologists, storytellers, and so much more." - Oh my goodness, I never thought of it in all these terms, but yes and absolutely yes!

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I'm delighted your beautiful work is included. And I always enjoy seeing what sticks for people. 😊

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Jun 27Liked by Julie Gabrielli

So, so beautifully put together, Julie. Thank you so much for my inclusion. Amen to us finding a better word for what it is that we collectively do! I'm excited for what you're creating, here. Thank you for bringing us all along under your wings.

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Thank you, Chloe - for your wonderful contribution and for reading. Any lift (loft?) this one managed is due entirely to the soaring quality of the work herein.

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This is exciting! Yes, I am loving finding so much lovely nature writing here on Substack as well. Yesterday a friend was stressed, so we talked about bobcat encounters (well, one; they are shy and cunning). We both felt better then.

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Nothing like an apex predator to cheer you up. 🥰

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Yes! Haha. We also discussed a large spider seen recently on its web.

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What a wonderful collection of beautiful writing about the natural world - thank you!

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I'm so glad you enjoyed it! Thanks for reading.

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Jun 21Liked by Julie Gabrielli

Thank you for sharing these treasures. I'm honored to be included.

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You’re in perfect company. 😊

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Jun 21Liked by Julie Gabrielli

I adore the snail logo Julie 🐌

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Thanks, Kate! She’s here to bring a smile. 💚

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Thanks for this! I have enjoyed browsing the stack and will check out a few more of these you recommend. I already read and few and am happy to see them in your summary. I look forward to Reciprocity next time!

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I’m so glad you’re enjoying it! Thanks for reading. 💚

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Jun 20Liked by Julie Gabrielli

Hooray, Julie!! It all came together so beautifully. I am drunk with delight at all the wonderful work you have shared here. What an auspicious beginning! 💚

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It’s quite a debauch, isn’t it?! 😉😁💚 Enjoy!

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Jun 20Liked by Julie Gabrielli

Well done on this amazing compilation Julie, it’s an excellent addition to Substack. Thanks for sharing all these different writes.

Also congratulations on the new name of your publication, it’s great!

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Thanks so much, Donna. Enjoy the feast!

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Jun 20Liked by Julie Gabrielli

So much to savor here! I am excited for your new endeavor!💚

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Thanks so much, Mary Beth!

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This is wonderful Julie! Thank you for putting this all together! Lovely first edition!

I have had so much going on I need to sit down and reply to your email about this ASAP!

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Oh yes, please! Let’s get you into the August issue. 😊

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Thanks Julie! It is on the top of my Substack list now!

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A lovely generous post. Congrats to all named by dear Julie!

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Thanks, Mary. Enjoy the feast.

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